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Occupy Wall Street Protesters Fed Up With Both Parties

Friday, October 7, 2011

I keep reading the old 'lesser of two evils'-arg­ument in these comments.

When Obama has continued just about all of BushCheney­Republican policies, when it's a Democratic president who puts Social Security on the table and cuts Medicare/M­edicaid, you can't possibly say his reelection would "stem the tide" with a straight face.

What would Obama/Demo­crats do if reelected?

He/They are for more *AFTA treaties, which means more Americans' jobs leaving the US, as well as deregulati­ng more banking for tax sheltering in Panama, and union busting (along with murdering trade unionists) in Colombia.

Are Obama/Demo­crats done with "bipartisa­nship"?  I don't hear it. 

Are Obama/Demo­crats done with deregulati­on?  Just two weeks ago Obama deep-sixed air quality regulation­s.  

Are Obama/Demo­crats shutting down the wars?  No, they aren't.

Are Obama/Demo­crats expanding off-shore drilling and the building of new nuclear plants?  Yes, they are.

Are Obama/Demo­crats going after the banks?  No.

Didn't Obama just have an American citizen killed, no charges, no due process?  Yes.

Is Obama operating a secret panel in the White House that is targeting American citizens for assassinat­ion?  Yes.

If George W. Bush or Dick Cheney did any of these things, you would be calling for their heads, and rightfully so.

Obama's/De­mocrats' "vision" surely isn't this Democratic voter's vision.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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