You're ill-informed.
Obama took single payer off the table before negotiations ever began, promising that he wouldn't sign any legislation that didn't contain a "robust public option". That done, Obama then said that it was Congress's job to write the legislation, that he was staying out of it while he secretly cut deals with PhRma, BigInsurance, Hospitals and the AMA. When discovered, Obama lied about it, but was forced to admit it once a memo detailing the negotiations was leaked. A weak public option was whittled down into a trigger and then dropped altogether.
The week before and the week after the healthcare bill passed in the Senate was the one and only time a public option had any chance of happening until another generation passes.
A group of senators had mobilized behind it since the bill had to be passed through reconciliation anyway, and there was no way that Democrats weren't going to get enough of its members to vote against it just because it had a public option in it.
Obama nixxed it.
The excuse was that if the Senate did that, the bill would have to go back to the House for a vote and "There's no time!"
After the (allegedly) pro-public option senators accepted that excuse & stood down, 2 flaws were discovered with the bill requiring it's return to the House anyway. It was all done in the dead of night, before anyone could say, "As long as you have to send it back anyway, how about slipping in a public option?"
And 60 votes (Lieberman, Bayh, Nelson) wasn't necessary; the legislation was passed through reconciliation. 50 plus one.
Obama's healthcare legislation was all designed up front to be a massive giveaway to the insuance and pharmaceutical industries and not affordable quality medical care for all, while giving Democrats (progressives and liberals mostly) cover with their constituents.
It's obvious you don't know what Hillarycare was; it was NOT single payer.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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