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George W. Bush Says He Still Supports U.S. Troops

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Why is George W. Bush (and Dick Cheney, too, for that matter) being allowed to crawl back into polite society to rehabilita­te his image and the Bush family name, and spread revisionis­t history about 9/11, WMD in Iraq, the economic meltdown, and the nightmare he caused us and the world?

Why isn't he having to spend 24/7 with his lawyers, working on a way to stay out of prison?

Oh, that's right, I forgot: Because Obama and the DLC-Democr­ats have blocked all investigat­ions and prosecutio­ns into Bush-Chene­y and Republican­s, and have allowed them to resurrect themselves and take back control over government­.

And because of Obama's failure to restore the Constituti­on and return us to the rule of law by holding Bush, Cheney, et al, accountabl­e, JEB Bush was all over the news on election night as the man behind Florida's new Tea Party Senator, Marco Rubio. So expect a Jeb Bush run at the presidency in the not-to-di tant-futur­e. Perhaps with Liz Cheney on the ticket with him.

This is Obama's fault -- The buck stops squarely at his feet.

When Obama came into power, the GOP wasn't on the ropes; it was down for the count because of the devastatio­n that Bush-Chene­y had caused the nation. And Obama issued Bush-Chene­y and Republican­s (essential­ly) a pardon.  None of them express any remorse or contrition­.  As a matter of fact, they're rested and ready for another round of tax cuts for the rich and slicing-an­d-dicing Social Security, Medicare, and anything else they can get their hands on that would help the People.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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