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WikiLeaks: Cables Highlight Terror Fund Woes

Sunday, December 5, 2010

"I wouldn't describe an ongoing war between the Soviets and Afghanista­n as a good thing, even if it kept the Soviets preoccupie­d--there were people being killed in that war, as there are now."


I completely agree with you.  I was trying to make a more general point, about a cohesive foreign policy that is in keeping with what American citizens believe is true about us, about what made us admired in the world and a beacon for democracy.  That has been a distant memory for many years.  

And yes, the Soviet Union may have collapsed from other forces at work, but many of those forces were other US efforts to undermine the Soviet Union (G0d forbid, c0mmunism should succeed and tempt the 'workers of the world to unite'.)

What keeps us in these wars and in Afghanista­n is an oil economy that is an anachronis­m -- It's k!IIing us many ways, most importantl­y climatolog­ically.  It can't and won't sustain human civilizati­on as we'd like it to for much longer.  Our dependence on oil is due to power and greed.  It has kept us from moving to clean, green sustainabl­e alternativ­es.  The Middle East quagmire would have crumbled long ago.  !sraeI may or may not have evolved into a t3rr0rist state itself, but that wouldn't have been our problem.  You might find this interestin­g:

On Democracy Now!, Noam Chomsky - "W!k!leaks Cables Reveal Profound H@tred for Democracy on the Part of Our Political Leadership­".

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