Here are the options:
#1 - Republicans have a change of heart and reveal their 'inner Democrats', & work for the people and against the transnational corporations.
#2 - Republicans continue to say NO to everything. There will be gridlock for 2 years.
#3 - Republicans work with Obama and the Republican-controlled House and the DLC-controlled Democratic Senate. Given that, "Privately, Obama describes himself as a Blue Dog Democrat", what will come out of this unh0ly alliance would be Republican-like legislation.
#4 - Democratic politicians act like Democrats, pull out all of the stops and fight Republicans, take to the bully pulpit, use every legislation trick and gimmick, and do what Republicans have done so effectively to thwart Democrats since Democrats got control of both Houses of Congress (since 2006) and later the White House in 2008. Again, given that disgruntled constituents unhappy with Obama, Democrats and their strategies has done nothing to motivate Obama & Democrats in this direction, or that losing so many Democratic seats (conservative Democrats, & few liberals) hasn't persuaded Obama and Democrats in Congress to act like Democrats and work for the People, and also because "Privately, Obama describes himself as a Blue Dog Democrat", getting good populist legislation out of this Congress or this president doesn't seem likely.
#2 (letting Republicans continue to say NO to everything, gridlock for 2 years while we work to clear out every single last Democratic & Republican incumbent from Congress and the White House and Washington in 2012) seems to be the obvious best and only path.
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