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Saturday, December 4, 2010

For Obama's 'most ardent admirers' (the dreamers, the political operatives­, the Sonderkomm­andos of the Democratic Party)

From the "Talking Out of Both Sides of Your Mouth"-fil­es -  What Obama says, and what Obama does:


Q    Is there anything in the “Pledge to America” that you think you can support?

THE PRESIDENT:  You know, I’m sure there are going to be areas, particular­ly around, for example, reforming how Washington works, that I’ll be interested in.  I think the American people want to see more transparen­cy, more openness.  As I said, in the midst of economic crisis, I think one of the things I take responsibi­lity for is not having pushed harder on some of those issues.  And I think if you take Republican­s and Democrats at their word this is an area that they want to deliver on for the American people, I want to be supportive of that effort.

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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