A repository for Marcospinelli's comments and essays published at other websites.

DNC Raises $16 Million In September

Monday, October 4, 2010

I'm an old liberal Democrat, and my frustration with you and other 0bamab0ts (the sincere ones, not the paid ones) is that you fail to understand that this is the only time in our political process, in the weeks before an election, when We The People have any power.  And you who are in lockstep, loyal to Obama and to the DLC-Democrats, destroy any possibility of Obama serving our best interests instead of corporations' interests.

Nobody expected "magic" from Obama.  

We did expect honesty, transparency, and have been getting nothing but a snow job.

There can be no democracy, no solutions, no functioning government, without honest, without trust, when elected officials are Iying, cutting secret deals and then spinning them as something that they're not.

The fact that you are defending him just tells me that you're either ig.no.rant of the facts, or, you're as corrupt as he is.  Because if you wanted what we all thought we were getting when we put Obama and Democrats into power, you would be joining those who are only doing what he told us we were going to have to do.

During the 2008 campaign, Obama told people that they had to stay involved after the election, that they couldn't just vote for him, go away for four years and expect that he would do what they had hoped. He said that there were powerful interests working against what the people wanted, and if We The People wanted Obama to do our bidding, we would have to MAKE HIM DO IT.

Obama's 'most ardent supporters' forget that those of us who criticize Obama are only doing what he warned us needed to be done. NOT to trust him. 

Since the election (and even before, with his FISA vote), Obama's given us every reason to distrust and doubt him. He's been deceptive, breaking every campaign pledge and promise, conceding the positions of the left (getting nothing in return), and hobbling real Democrats at every turn while making Republicans and Blue Dogs stronger (and harder to beat in 2010 and 2012).

Obama's 'most ardent supporters' (like you) are the most immediate problem, as they help him screw them (& us) over.   They keep his personal numbers high.  That enables Obama to blow them (and all Democratic voters) off.  Until they wake up to these facts, they are their own (& our) worst e n e m ies, and the reason we don't get what we all thought we were voting for when we voted Obama and Democrats into office as the majority power in our government.  

About 2010 Elections
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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