A repository for Marcospinelli's comments and essays published at other websites.

DNC Raises $16 Million In September

Monday, October 4, 2010

If Obama is continuing just about all of the Bush-Cheney policies, if Obama's healthcare legislation is Bush's Medicare Reform Act of 2003 Part 2 (and doesn't do what voters put Obama and Democrats into power to achieve: Affordable, quality medical treatment for all),  if Obama's finance reform bill doesn't actually reform anything, wouldn't have prevented the meltdown and doesn't prevent the next one, if Obama is not doing the policies (not proposing them, not pushing them through Congress, not taking to the bully pulpit, not putting his foot to the necks of Republicans and Blue Dogs, not doing what a real Democratic president would do) for real job creation and is going along with millions being out of work in America for years more (at least a decade), if Obama is putting through more free trade treaties, if Obama is not working to remove the tax breaks for outsourcing jobs, if Obama is continuing rendition, t0rture, expanding the wars, continuing to let war profiteers make obscene profits, and so much more, how is he not in the category of Bush-Cheney?
About 2010 Elections
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