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Lawrence Lessig Calls Glenn Greenwald's Critique Of Elena Kagan 'Absurd'

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

You are losing and will continue to do so . In fact the whole country is losing because you and the extreme right have a lot in common.


Funny, when we on the left (and to call the 70% of the Democratic Party that self-identifies as liberal "extreme" is a big stretch) were in charge, the shape of the country and the world was great.

It was liberal policies and legislation that created the middle class, built post-war Europe, built the Hoover Dam, brought electricity to every house in America, wiped out smallpox, increased longevity, decreased infant mortality, built the infrastructure across the natiion, clean potable water to every home, etc., so what the heII are you talking about when you lay nonsense like "liberals are against teaching abstinence" on the left?

Liberals aren't against teaching abstinence in the schools; we're against teaching abstinence ONLY.

The issues that you list are complex. I assume that when we talk about jail, you're interested in lowering the crime rates, and that's why liberals discuss the causes for crime. And "making excuses for every minority in jail" is an inherently racist remark. The preponderance of minorities in jail is due to many factors, and it's incumbent upon us all to examine them. You don't think that by "examining them" that means "making excuses for", do you?

If you do, then who is the one who doesn't listen?
About Elena Kagan
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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