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Lawrence Lessig Calls Glenn Greenwald's Critique Of Elena Kagan 'Absurd'

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Conservatives, however, brooded over what they believed was an unfair rap on their champion Nixon. They schemed, plotted, and went into government. The Federalist Society was created, and out of it came the methods employed by Bush and Cheney this past decade for getting around Congress to achieve a unitary executive. Also, how they could replenish their voting base (enter Ralph Reed and the Christian Coalition, Oral Roberts, Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, Bob Jones, creating universities that churn out lawyers and teachers and missionaries to enter government service and put their own unique spin on their jobs).

But until that got up and running, they had to get a charismatic candidate who transcended party affiliation, who would appeal to working Democrats.

Straight out of Central Casting (and GE), they got Ronald Reagan.

Reagan (and Lee Atwater), using crude marketing tactics (the sophisticated techniques came later), turned the very word 'liberal' into something to run from. Democratic politicians at that time thought it so abzurd, that Reagan's tax and deregulation policies were so bad for the People (regular folk, union members, like those in your own family), that they didn't even bother to address the attacks -- Surely no one would believe it. But they didn't take the power and persuasiveness of celebrity into account. The media stopped reporting critically about Reagan because they got angry hate mail, "Stop attacking our President!"
About Elena Kagan
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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