A repository for Marcospinelli's comments and essays published at other websites.

Rush Limbaugh Abortion Idiocy Revealed

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Most Obama supporters voted for him because of the free stuff he was giving away at tax payer expense, they could care less about the deficit or anything else..


By "free stuff", do you mean Social Security and Medicare benefits?  The "stuff" that we've already paid for?  How would you react if you'd paid into a Christmas Club at your bank (or for a life insurance policy, or car, or any annuity) and the company had siphoned off all of the money to give great big bonuses to the CEO and refused to honor their commitment to you?  That's what's happening now.  

Did you care about the deficit when George W. Bush was taking the nation into war based on lies and financing it on a credit card, all the while giving tax breaks to the rich?  Did you object over Bush's Medicare Reform Act of 2003?  Where were you in 2008, Six Years After Cheney Said ‘Deficits Don’t Matter,’ The National Debt Hits A 50-Year High.  Or was it only recently, when Dick Cheney chatted with Rush Limbaugh, and wouldn’t you know it, the disgraced former vice president has decided that deficits matter after all.  

Even I don't have the necessary word count to explain the pros and cons of a deficit and why we need to be worried about creating jobs now and not the deficit.  I'll include links to others who have tackled it - Paul Krugman: Clueless Washington Doesn't Know The Deficit Is 'Mostly Solved' 
Paul KrugmanDeficit Hawks 'Love Living In An Atmosphere Of Fiscal Crisis'
Joseph Stiglitz: 'This Deficit Fetishism Is Killing Our Economy'
Brad Delong: Over the Cliff We Go
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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