Fiscal Cliff: Obama Calls On Congress To Pass Scaled-Down Package (VIDEO)
Saturday, December 22, 2012
This really couldn't get any simpler:
Politicians on both sides of the aisle want to stick the poor and middle classes with the bill for the past years of BS wars, war profiteering, corporate tax breaks that led to insane profits which weren't passed on to us but to the rich, etc. Add to that the costs of both Bush's Medicare Reform and Obama's healthcare legislation, both of which were forced on us instead of what it was that we wanted: Negotiating cheaper prices with the pharmaceutical industry and a single payer system like expanding Medicare to all.
Back when Obama extended Bush's tax cuts, I wrote that the 'Rule of Thumb' about when tax cuts make sense is, "When a nation's bills are paid". When the nation is in surplus. You don't go on vacation when you haven't paid the rent. You don't buy a Rolls Royce when you're living in your parents' garage. You don't buy Godiva chocolates when there's no food in the fridge or the cupboards to feed your kids.
When a tax cut requires a nation to borrow more money, adding to the deficit, increasing the national debt, that's robbing the People to give to the rich. Average Americans, our children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, for generations to come, are getting stuck with the bill.
Ten years ago, Bush's tax cuts were sold to us as "job creators" - "They'd stimulate the economy". They didn't then and they haven't since they became Obama's tax cuts. The money for Bush's tax cuts had to be borrowed. The money is all gone. We're now stuck with cleaning up the party that the rich had (investing overseas, in other nations, outsourcing Americans' jobs and closing down US manufacturing). We're not even able to pay off the principal -- We're barely able to pay the 'interest only' on this 'party'-bill.
Working Americans are tired of paying for the parties of the rich. But it's even worse: We're not only paying for their parties, we're taking out loans so that they can stuff their mattresses. If I'm paying for bathtubs full of Dom Perignon, I'd better d@mned well be the one soaking in it.
In an economy like this, you raise the debt ceiling irrespective of a budget, and then Obama and Democrats need to get behind the People's budget plan and barnstorm the nation explaining it (read here). Money has to get into the hands of the people who are most likely to spend it (the poor and middle classes), and not the uber rich again, who park it offshore.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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