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Obama Campaign Does Debate Cleanup On Social Security Answer

Sunday, October 7, 2012

The insurance mandate is, indeed, a tax, and the IRS will be the enforcer, which means compounded fines and prison.  That's something that the prison industrial complex is celebrating.

Why put the insurance industry into the equation of Americans' medical treatment at all?  Insurance adds nothing to the medical model. The way that the insurance industry makes its profits is by taking a cut of money that can be spent on medical care.  And in reality the insurance industry profits like Wall Street and all other corporations that have crashed our economy have profited:  By denying claims and preventing treatment (Wall Street and corporations do it by offshoring manufacturing, outsourcing jobs, eliminating jobs in spite of record profits for short term windfalls to shareholders and bonuses for CEOs, etc.).

The insurance industry is the 'Don Fanucci' (Godfather, Part II) of medical care; the insurance industry is "wetting its beak", letting you get medical care (maybe, if you can afford the deductibles, the co-pays, and if your illness is covered by your policy, but) only if you pay them a gratuity up front.

Americans have had it with political spin, and specifical­­ly political double-tal­­k. Americans didn't like it when it came at them as Bush-speak and Americans really don't like it when it's Obama's lawyer-speak. He said that he supported single payer, and if "it's the best for the people" (as he communicated clearly), it's the best whenever.

Obama insisted that it was up to Congress to write the legislatio­­n, that he wasn't going to be involved in doing it. After promising transparen­­cy in his administra­­tion, he prevented transparen­­cy and kept hidden secret negotiatio­­ns and deals he was making with PhRma, Hospitals and the AMA.  After the secret deals came to light, Obama lied both to the American people and to Congress which had several committees working on legislatio­­n that Obama's secret deals undermined­­.

From day one, Obama conceded positions of the left, of the People, that weren't his to concede. Obama took single payer off the table because everything else pales against it. Obama unilateral­­ly made the decision to forever tie Americans' getting healthcare through employer-s­­ubsidized insurance, in spite of the fact that employers don't want to do that and employees don't want it. (Dylan Ratigan nailed it on his show -http://www­­.youtube.­c­om/watch­?v­=NwyV59­HyI­-k )

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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