Thank You, Paul Ryan
Monday, September 17, 2012
It wasn't a secret. Republicans announced it during the 2008 campaign, that if Obama (or any Democrat won), they wouldn't work with him. I don't know anyone who was surprised - Republicans haven't worked with Democrats for years. Where were you when Republicans were locking Democrats out of committee meetings during the Bush-Cheney years? Or when Gingrich shut down the government before that? Or Whitewater, or Vince Foster, or Travel-gate, or Gary Condit and Chandra Levy? Or when Republicans staged impeachment proceedings to tie Democrats' hands for 2 years?
Why would anyone believe that Republicans would work with Obama? What does "work with him" actually mean anyway? Cave? Agree to Democratic policies and legislation? Republicans don't do that. Nobody does that - You are put into power by a majority of the vote, to achieve what the voters put you into power to get for them. Only Democratic voters are told to expect to have to compromise and be disappointed. Republican voters have been making steady progress for decades, in spite of the fact that most Americans, most VOTERS, agree with Democratic Party promises.
It's a touching tableau that's been painted by Democratic spinmeisters about Obama, a "nice guy, naive guy, thwarted by evil-doing Republicans", but it says more about the people who believe it, that they are naive and politically virginal, than it does about Obama. Obama has always been a conservative who speaks rhetoric of the left. But it's even worse than that, worse than his being conservative: Obama's corrupt and as criminal as Bush and Cheney.
What makes him even worse than Bush and Cheney is that he's banking on Democratic voters' naiveté, while he crosses Rubicons that no real Democrat would cross.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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