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John Boehner Says Mitt Romney Campaign Not Dead Yet, Jokes 'I Just Hope I Survive'

Monday, September 24, 2012

One other question. What do you think of Romney (In less than 2000 words please)? I know it's a loaded question. 


It's only a loaded question if your intention is to make this a "lesser of two evils" argument.

The 'likability' question is an irrelevant one to me - I don't want to have a beer with either of them.  I don't intend to vote for either of them.  What's relevant to me is trustworthiness, in how they would govern, and the only difference is in their rhetoric.  Neither one is trustworthy.   

In secret budget talks, Obama left EVERYTHING on the table, including Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security.   Just as Obama ran on SinglePaye­r, then backed down, then said he wouldn't sign any legislatio­n that didn't include a public option, and then reneged, in the weeks after the election he's going to be cutting another secret budget deal with Republican­s (he'll push SimpsonBowles, the 'CatfoodCommission's' report), just like the one he cut on the lousy health insurance legislatio­n and Bush's (now Obama's) tax cuts for the rich, that ends Great Society programs.  And then there's the KeystonePipeline - Obama already put the land-grab for the southern route on the fast track.

If you're voting for Obama out of fear over what Romney would do if elected, Romney's record as governor isn't all that dissimilar from Obama's in the White House.  There were even moments of liberalism to Romney's record (gun control, state co-pays for abortion, etc.) - Certainly more progressive than Obama.  Even the Boston Globe admitted Romney's judicial picks "have generally not been is overtly partisan".

Both men say one thing when they're running for office and then do something entirely different once they're in the job.  So the talk of Romney pandering to the rightwing now really means nothing. Romney wasn't the Tea Party's pick.  He's the Republican establishment's pick.  

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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