A repository for Marcospinelli's comments and essays published at other websites.

Individual Mandate Rejection Would Leave White House 'No Contingency Plan,' Spokesman Says

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Has Obama used all of the tools available to him then to prevent what you say is the Republicans desire to make America fail? No. If 1 in 8 federal judgeships sitting empty is really a problem (and I think it is), then one of the immediate tools that Obama has available to him is recess appointments. Yet he refuses to use it.

That's what is meant by his failure of leadership.

Obama is either inept or what Republicans are doing is serving Obama and Democrats in some way. Which is it? And if it's the latter, what do you think that might be? Politics? That he gets more out of using Republican obstructionism in upcoming elections than from serving the People and the office he was elected to?
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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