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American Medical Group Association Throws Support Behind New Obama Medicare Plan

Monday, October 31, 2011

You are certain that the economy is going to collapse when the market has grown faster than it has is the last 12 years and the GDP growth went up 2.5% and we've had 19 straight months of private secotr employemen t. You didn't even notice the reduction in your credit card fees, did you. Dodd Frank is in place. The Bank of America will soon be involuntar ily broken into to smaller pieces that are not too big to fail. Fifteen investment bankers have been arrested and found guilty of securities fraud. ==========­==========­======== Yes, you are a paid tool of the corporatio­ns. Only a 1%er or someone hoping to hit the lottery and become one (or getting paid by the blog post by the 1% to flood the blogospher­e with such nonsense) would make such a ridiculous argument. Any increase in "private sector employment­" is happening overseas. Off-shorin­g. Reduction in credit card fees? Are you insane? That's just what overextend­ed Americans need right now, to buy on credit. Anyone who is relying on credit cards is setting themselves up to be in the next round of foreclosur­es/jobless­ness/pover­ty. Dodd-Frank is a cruel hoax. http://mon­ey.msn.com­/investing­/what-wall­-street-pr­otesters-h­ave-right-­brush.aspx­?ucsort=2&­page=2
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