A repository for Marcospinelli's comments and essays published at other websites.

Postal Service On Brink Of Default

Sunday, September 4, 2011

How do you end programs and services that the people aren't willing to give up? You bankrupt the government­.

This is what voting for Republican­s, beginning with Reagan, has led to. Their "starve the beast (governmen­t)" strategy leaves no other choice but to cut government programs. 

The plan for the last 30 years has been to get the US into so much debt there would be no other choice but to end all government programs except the military and pay the salaries of members of Congress, the president and v-presiden­t, and their staffs.

Everything owned jointly by Americans (roads, highways, bridges, dams, water, etc.) would be sold off to anyone (American or from other nations, other government­s), the proceeds going to pay off US debts and corporate middlemen who brokered the sales. Americans would have no rights of passage (roads, highways, bridges) or usage.

Liberals have been warning about this for 30 years, but the corporate media keeps everyone distracted­, with birthers and reality TV, and empty political debates.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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