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Obama Would Sign Parts Of Jobs Bill, Push For Rest

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

I don't think that would solve the problem, or that limiting terms would solve the problem.  For instance, all that corporatio­ns need to do is groom and fund a replacemen­t and they'd still be calling the shots.

I think the fastest and most expeditiou­s way to reclaim our elections is to eliminate corporate personhood and to publicly finance all elections.

There is a benefit to having experience­d and savvy politician­s in office long term, IMHO.  Bob Byrd was a good example of this, even though he was not necessaril­y legislatin­g in the best interests of his constituen­ts (instead of the corporate interests)­.  Experience­d politicos in Washington know the rules of Congress in ways that newbies don't.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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