What's "extreme" to you?
Do you support deregulation? Are you for privatization? These are 'either/or' propositions. You're either for a woman's right to choose or you're not. You're either for clean air/water or you're not.
With Bush's Obama's tax cuts for the rich, the left was willing to compromise on all of the tax cuts. Obama's deal on the tax cuts for the rich wind doesn't cover the 99ers and increases taxes on the poor.
The left comes to the table already having compromised our positions. On everything. All the time. We have done the compromising for more than 30 years.
And even after we compromise, after we have deals, Republicans renege and Democrats still cave some more. One example of that is the Capps amendment. That was the compromise AGREEMENT on abortion in Obama's healthcare legislation.
In the end, with the Stupak amendment and Obama's executive order, Obama and Democrats have put us firmly on the path of ending all insurance coverage for abortions.
Fairly soon, Roe and overturning it is going to be moot with all that Republicans have managed to get Democrats to "compromise" on, making getting an abortlon impossible. As it is now, you can't get an abortlon in 92 percent of the counties in the US.
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