No new taxes, you say. That means that the tax burden would continue to fall disproportionately on the poor and middle class, with the wealth continuing to flow to the corporations and the 2% richest.
How about our crumbling infrastructure? How is that going to get repaired without new taxes? How are goods and services going to get to markets? How do you plan on eating? How do you plan on getting to work? Where and what kind of work are you planning on?
Less regulation, you say? On what? Food? Water? Oil drilling in our food supply? Air? Nuclear power plants? Coal mining, toxic sludge? Fracking?
Less regulations on banks? Want to pay more to take your money out of a bank? How about debtors' prison when your bank makes an error that has you making late payments and you are bankrupted by the fees?
Spell it out. What exactly do you want?
About Deficit Commission
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