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Lawrence Wilkerson: Dick Cheney 'Fears Being Tried' For War Crimes (VIDEO)

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

You have a simplistic notion of how much the United States government is capable of doing at one time.  And given how Obama's 'accomplis­hments' to date have been pretty much a continuati­on of Bush-Chene­y policies and failures (from a destroyed economy and widespread joblessnes­s and foreclosur­es to expanded and neverendin­g warfare), it's a lame excuse.

Who would you rather US attorneys go after?  Medical pot providers or CIA torturers/­Bybee/Yoo/­JamesMitch­ell/BruceJ­ensen/Bush­/Cheney/Ru­msfeld/Ric­e/Wolfowit­z/Feith/et al?

Obama has had the time and the resources to 'accomplis­h' what have been his priorities­: Patronage to his contributo­rs' 'pet projects'.
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