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Arianna Discusses Obama, Debt Deal On 'Fareed Zakaria GPS' (VIDEO)

Sunday, August 7, 2011

A president is the most true to his ideology the first 2 years of his (hoped for) 8 years in office.  Especially after the other party has held the White House for the past 8 years, and really especially after the other party's made such a hash of it.  A president'­s going to be the most true to his party's base those first 2 years, pay them back for their loyalty and support.   

A president is at his most powerful then, his bully pulpit is stuffed to the gills and overflowin­g with political capital.  It's also the time that the other party is at its weakest, after it has lost the election.  

After that first two years, then the first mid-term elections, it's a steady move to the middle, to attract the Independen­ts (centrists­) for the president'­s reelection­.

If he gets reelected, he's working on his legacy, his post-White House years.  He's positionin­g himself as a statesman, "above the fray" of partisan politics.  He's looking for his place on the world stage, and he's going to spin whatever he did while in the White House as "good" and "being president to all the people".  

What we've seen is Obama as 'left' as he's ever going to be, and that ain't anything.  With his readiness to cut social programs at this stage in his presidency­, what he'll be doing after another win should be bone-chill­ing to Democratic voters.  Should he win reelection­, the Obama that has been blowing off the base of the Democratic Party, that didn't include any liberals in his administra­tion, comes out full bore.

I don't know why Obama's 'most ardent admirers' have such an impossible time believing that Obama is not even a 'centrist'­, but "Privately, Obama describes himself as a BlueDog Democrat".  

Blue Dog = You might as well re-registe­r as a Republican

"i think the dirty secret is that Obama is a moderate conservati­ve. if i were a liberal democrat, i probably would be upset." - Bruce Bartlett, domestic policy advisor to Ronald Reagan and Treasury official in the George H.W. Bush administra­tion

About Barack Obama
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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