For the People's Budget saves the most (read it here).
Why aren't Obama, Reid, Pelosi and Democrats talking about the ProgressiveCaucus's budget and plan to balance the budget (reduces the deficit by $5.1 trillion)? It beats Obama's, Reid's AND Republicans' plans.
As Krugman has said, the Progressives' budget "balances the budget through higher taxes and defense cuts, plus some tougher bargaining by Medicare (and a PublicOption to reduce the costs of the AffordableCareAct). The proposed tax hikes would fall on higher incomes, raising the cap on payroll taxes (takes care of SocialSecurity's solvency forever)... and unlike the Ryan plan, it actually makes sense."
If Republicans are going to turn down anything Obama and Democrats put forth, why then aren't Obama and Democrats fighting for the BEST plan out there?
About Deficit
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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