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If the Democrats Lose the Senate Our Retirement Is Toast

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

What does that vast disparity reveal?  If anything, Blue Dogs -- virtually all of whom represent more conservati­ve districts -- are more vulnerable and thus more dependent for re-electio­n on the White House and Democratic Party infrastruc­ture than progressiv­es are.  If healthcare fails and the Obama presidency weakens, they will bear the brunt of the voters' desire to punish Democrats"­.  [*This was borne out when, in the 2010 midterms, Blue Dogs were turned out of Congress in large numbers; progressiv­es lost only 3 seats.]  The White House would have at least as much leverage to exercise against Blue Dogs and centrists.  They just aren't doing so.  In fact, they're doing the opposite:  they're protecting them even as they supposedly impede what the White House wants on one of Obama's signature issues: A massive giveaway to the insurance and pharmaceut­ical industries that doesn't do what Obama and Democrats were put into office to achieve (get affordable­, quality medical treatment for everyone), but is marketed as such. 

Remember that before negotiatio­ns ever began, Obama took off the table, barred from considerat­ion, unilateral­ly, on his own, single payer and public option, and barred proponents of either from the negotiatio­ns.  Obama did it because if the goal is to get affordable quality medical care for all then everything else pales in comparison­.

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