Obama, Cameron To Start U.S.-Britain National Security Strategy Board
Monday, May 23, 2011
Thomas Drake, the NSA whistleblo
One of them was Lieutenant General Michael Hayden, the head of the agency: he wanted to transform the agency and launched a massive modernizatSo Drake was complaininion program, code named: “Trailblaz er.” It was supposed to do what Thin Thread did, and more.
Trailblazer would be the NSA’s biggest project. Hayden’s philosophy was to let private industry do the job. Enormous deals were signed with defense contractor s. [Bill] Binney’s Thin Thread program cost $3 million; Trailblaze r would run more than $1 billion and take years to develop.
“Do you have any idea why General Hayden decided to go with Trailblazer as opposed to Thin Thread, which already existed?” Pelley asked.
“I believe he was convinced by others that going with a large-scale, industrial strength solution was the approach that NSA needed to take. You can’t really understand why they would make that kind of a decision without understand ing the culture of NSA,” Drake said.
Asked to elaborate, Drake said, “Careers are built on projects and programs. The bigger, the better their career.” [my emphasis]
But still, Drake complained about a program that did what ThinThread did–at 300 to 400 times the cost.
As one of the other NSA employees who whistleble
“How does a man see 9/11 happened, know that some part of it is due to corruption and mismanagemYet the government wants to put Drake in jail for 35 years because he tried to make sure incompetenent and sleep at night. How does a man do that? He obviously couldn’t,” Wiebe told Pelley.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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