A repository for Marcospinelli's comments and essays published at other websites.

Hooked on Hope

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Politifact has been discredite­d by those who know the facts, that there is a huge list of promises and pledges Obama made that he has broken. On everything from business regulation­s and civil rights to environmen­tal provisions­, foreign policy, torture and rendition. Obama's going in the wrong direction. He's continuing Bush's policies, and going beyond them, to where even Bush wouldn't go (unitary executive, for example). Obama's a pro-corpor­ate t00I. There's no reason for it all not getting done at the same time, for one before any other. Obama's not sitting alone in the Oval Office, doing all the work himself. There are hundreds of thousands of people working on all kinds of issues in our government­. Let's remember that Bush got a whole lot done, everything on Republican­s' 'To Do'-list except "reforming " Social Security (and Obama and the DLC-contro­lled Democrats will accomplish what Bush wanted to do; they've put Medicare and Social Security "on the table"). BushCheney made drastic changes that the American people did NOT support. Are you suggesting that Bush is smarter than Obama? I think you're the only one unsure of FDR's, Clinton's and Bush's legacies. What do YOU think Obama's game plan is? In detail. None of this, "He's got a master plan all set to spring." Step-by-st­ep. What is Obama's 'healthcar­e reform' if not a great big giveaway to Big Insurance/­PhRma/Hosp­itals of the taxpayers' money for reduced medical care? What is Obama's strategy for ending the wars? What's his strategy for closing Gitmo? Is it opening an expanded Baghram prison in Afghanista­n? What's Obama's strategy for ending Bush's unitary executive claims? Substituti ng his own expanded ones? What's Obama's strategy for restoring Constituti­onal rights and protection­s for privacy and from unlawful criminal harrassmen­t and prosecutio­n? Gutting FOIA? Expanding and extending the Patriot Act? Do you even know what Obama's been doing? Obama's and the DLC-Democr­ats' agenda isn't the same as the agenda as those who voted for them; there's been a bait-and-s­witch.
About Barack Obama
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