Democratic Leadership Requests Investigation Into Gas Price Fixing (UPDATED)
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
The dems are now applying pressure from all angles and I guarantee you, the Republicans will fight tooth and nail to keep the price up and defend the oil companies.
Obama came into the White House with Bush-Chene
After just one month in the White House, instead of going after Republican
Obama and Emanuel never mentioned Mitch McConnell, John Boehner, Eric Canter, Karl R0ve, George W, H.W., Jeb Bush, Cheney, NOBODY who is actually IN the Republican Party as the problem. Obama still doesn't; he mocks Donald Trump, an undeclared candidate for the presidency who every serious political pundit knew had no intention of actually running.
If Republican
Why are Obama and Democrats continuing the war crimes of Bush & Cheney, and blocking investigat
How does a Democratic president, on the heels of the most criminal and corrupt administra
We have Obama and Democrats to thank for the resurrecti
We need a real Democrat in the Oval Office, and real Democrats in Congress, instead of these DINOs. With fire in their bellies to go after those who obstruct the People's business (Republica
How do Obama's 'most ardent supporters
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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