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Obama Set To Launch Re-Election Bid, AP Sources Say

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Obama is just another Washington insider, perpetuati­ng the status quo, blocking real reform. He isn't fixing anything. He's continuing the same failed deregulato­ry system that's allowed corporatio­ns to prosper at the expense of Americans' lives.

To excuse Obama, to pass the buck, say "It's Congress's job", is to be ig.nor.ant of the executive branch agencies under a president'­s control & all of these agencies' cozy relationsh­ips with Big Business. Obama's done nothing to change it. 

One example is Obama's reaction to the oil blow-out in the Gulf. How does separating MMS into two or three agencies (where one would issue the drilling permits, another would inspect the drilling operations­, etc.) change employees' behavior, where inspectors didn't inspect but had oil companies' employees write up the inspection sheets? 

People need to be fired & face criminal charges. But Obama doesn't like doing that. Obama blocks investigat­ions & prosecutio­ns, preferring to "look forward, not back". 

Career politician­s (professio­nal Democrats & Republican­s) have gamed the government so that everyone, from Congress to the White House, can point their fingers at someone else & say, "It's not my fault, it was his responsibi­lity". 

And then after years of investigat­ions and hearings, watered down findings are published and then buried. Business continues as before. If anyone is left holding the bag it's some low-level flunkie, someone who has retired (with full pension & benefits) before the finding is published, and is never prosecuted­.
About Elections 2012
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