A repository for Marcospinelli's comments and essays published at other websites.

House Democrats Punk Republicans On Budget Vote (VIDEO)

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The conspiracy crap gets old -- representa­tives are just people, most who lived very normal, although rather wealthy lives. They come from all walks of life.. some doctors, some lawyers, some business owners.. etc. etc. - they are not indoctrina­ted in some secret society. Lobbyists of course swoop in on them once they arrive in capital hill - but the way people who say this "they're all the same" nonsense make it sound, they are born in cocoons somewhere and then fathered by the illuminate .. or maybe Exxon.


That a real loaded word, "conspirac­y".  When someone throws it around, it means a nerve has been touched, a truth has been exposed that's unsettling because you have to reexamine everything you know and reorder the way you've assimilate­d it.  

It's like being told at age 50 that you were adopted at birth.  Who are you, where did you come from?  Finding out that the people you most trusted lied to you, that the most basic facts of your life were lies.  But once you start thinking about it, going back over the story of your life (beginning with your being a 6'8" brown-eyed brunette in a family of blue-eyed blonds under 5' 5"), it all begins to make more sense.   But until then, there's a great deal of resistance­, and you get a great amount of support to believe as you do.  Just as you do for believing "America is the best country in the world", and "represent­atives are just people", etc.  Have you been one?  Have you run for the office?  

"Conspirac­y" isn't the right word, nor is any label required, but questionin­g and examinatio­n is.  

What it is is a government run by the most competitiv­e, ruthless people in our nation.  Washington is like high school on steroids, with the best and worst characters all competing to be successful­.  And true public servants, "nice guys", get left in the dust because they're outwitted & outgvnned when it comes to very powerful interests scheming for riches & power. 
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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