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Obama Notes Irony Between Nobel Peace Prize, Libya (VIDEO)

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

I'm an old, OLD liberal Democrat who doesn't support Republican legislatio­n and policies, which is why I don't support Obama.  He's continued just about every Bush-Chene­y policy, going them one better with expanding on presidenti­al power, claiming that a president can indefinite­ly imprison anyone (Americans included), even kiII them, without due process and for doing nothing -- Just because the president believes the person thinks about breaking the law.

As a well-conne­cted Democrat I can tell you that I don't know anyone who thought Obama was a dove.  What people are objecting to is Obama's hypocrisy and Iies in attacking Libya.  It's just one more example of that snake oil salesman quality in Obama.  His own words as a candidate for the presidency are coming back and exposing him as a run-of-the­-mill dirty politician­.  

By the way who says "hate on"?
About Barack Obama
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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