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Obama Administration Won't Endorse Calls For Immediate Resignation Of President Mubarak

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Journalist­s are being beaten up, and with the US and UK helping Egyptian Reglme Shut Down Telecommun­ications and Identify Dls-sident Voices, if the pro-tester­s leave Tahrir Square the dlssidents are next in line to be rounded up.  

Especially with Egypt's new VP, our 'go to'-guy for tort-ure when we rendltion.  No sooner was Suleiman named VP than: "Egyptian VP Refuses Dialogue Until Prot-ests End"?  

The only leverage the Egyptian people have, the only hope these protesters have, their strength is their numbers pro-testin­g openly out in the streets.  In Tahrir Square and elsewhere around Egypt.  If they leave and go home now, if they trust the words of dlctators, they will be arrested at their homes, taken to dungeons where the names of their comrades-i­n-dissent will be tor-tured out of them.  

This is really the lesson for us, the American people, about how the eIites in power never stop trying to manipuIate the system to retain their power and controI over us to the bitter end, when it seems that they should realize they should give up and accept the inevitable­.  But they never do, and more often than not, they prevail because we give in.  We The People 'compromis­e'.  And through our 'reasonabl­eness', we find ourselves in the situation we're in now:  Our fortunes spent, in the pockets of the top 2 percent, while we're left with the shards of the American Dream.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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