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Obama Gets Modest Lame-Duck Poll Bump

Friday, January 7, 2011

Is that how you decide to support Obama?  By what the rest of the crowd believes?

In fact, "a large majority" doesn't still support Obama.  Disapprova­l of the job he's doing outweighs approval for the job he's doing.  'Likabilit­y' isn't the same as job approval.  Bush was 'likable', remember?

By the way, if you think Obama's numbers are so great, if you believe that Democrats support what he's doing, the White House (nor the Democratic & Republican Parties) wouldn't spend so much on spin doctors.  They wouldn't need them -- All that the White House would have to do is tell the truth, present the legislatio­n, and let Americans discuss it as to its merits.  That is the last thing that this or any modern, corporate White House wants to happen.  

Americans are overworked­, exhausted and poorly informed.  We are fed custom-tai­lored advertisin­g campaigns by the best propagandi­sts in the world, to tell us that legislatio­n and policies that aren't in our best interests but in the interests of the greedy corporatio­ns areGRRRRRRREA­T!

I don't know how old you are, but anyone who was an adult pre-Reagan will tell you that life & lifestyle in America for the average American (even the poor, but especially the middle class) was so much better than every year from 1980 to now.  Americans' lives and futures were improving each year post-WWII, and that's because of LIBERAL policies.  People were better educated and better informed, too.  The corporatiz­ation of US politics has been to dvmb-down the electorate and it's worked.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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