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Ralph Nader: Obama Will Face Primary Challenge In 2012

Monday, December 13, 2010

Most people don't realize that Ralph Nader is responsibl­e for saving more lives, improving the quality of more Americans' lives, than probably any other single human being alive today. I think they don't realize it because he's a humble man operating in an arena of turbo-char­ged political operatives­, sharks, whose expertise is propaganda campaigns to prevent facts from getting to the consumer. I don't think there is a consumer protection group or political activist working on behalf of people that didn't get their start because of Nader or that can't be traced back to Nader, or connected to Nader. Nader is, quintessen­tially, what Americans think their government is for and about -- Keeping us safe and removing the impediment­s from our being able to grow and develop, become the best we can be both individual­ly and as a nation, improve the quality of our lives and live the American Dream.
About Ralph Nader
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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