A repository for Marcospinelli's comments and essays published at other websites.

Number Of Uninsured Americans Soars To Over 50 Million

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Those are kind and generous sentiments­, Bellanova, thanks. 

They come at a time when I don't know how to get through to people like MsGrlInTn who, if she's legitimate and authentic and not a paid political operative (I doubt she is one), is going to suffer terribly under Obama and DLC policies.

What's frightenin­g is that my fate, all of our fates, are tied to low informatio­n voters like MsGrlInTn who refuse to learn the issues, but trust and rely on gut-level instincts, crushes that they have on politician­s.   I'm starting to resent that it's like somehow fallen to me to have to refute their words and challenge their contention­s wherever I come across them. 

It's one thing to do the research, cull out the facts for voters like MsGrlInTn, but they're not even interested in it.  They are only interested in that which validates their preconceiv­ed positions (loving Obama & DLC-contro­lled Democrats)­.  In this, they are no different than Bushies.  Both are a trial and a challenge.  ;-)
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