That's some America you're promoting. It's certainly not the America that Obama claims to want to preside over. If Obama is trying to be a president to all of the people, work in the spirit of bipartisanship, then blowing off citizens who have doubts he's even legally entitled to the job seems an odd way to go about it. If Obama wants respect, he has to give respect and address the questions that people have. That goes not only for Birthers, but for the Democratic Party's base which Obama has also blown off.
That's the way you put doubts about you and your credentials to rest; you meet the people where they are and you earn trust by showing people you're listening to them and responding to what is a very basic issue: Are you qualified for the job under the Constitution.
I'm not Birther -- I couldn't care less about where Obama was born. Our government is lawless at this point, so the circumstances of Obama's birth are small potatoes to me. I'm more cynical than Birthers, and my issues with Obama are more practical, about what he's doing with the awesome power We The People bestowed on him in 2008.
About Chris Matthews
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