It's the left that is directing what anger is out there for Republicans at Republicans!
The reason we on the left are now also directing anger at Obama and the DLC-controlled Democratic Congress is because THEY aren't doing what what elected government officials do when they're angry.
Obama has the instruments of his office to direct at Republicans, to pressure them into compliance, and he has refused to use them.
No sooner had Obama gotten into the White House that, instead of going after the GOP and its congressional leadership, he and Rahm Emanuel went after Rush Limbaugh and Sarah Palin, two people with absolutely no official role in the Republican Party. After the 2008 election, the Republican Party was not just on the mat, but down for the count. Obama issued them a pardon. Obama refused to investigate and prosecute Bush-Cheney-Republicans. Obama and Democrats in Congress have blocked all investigations into the economic meltdown, into the wars for oil, into t0rture and war crimes, and as a result Democrats have lost control of the House.
This was Obama's election to lose. Nobody else but him and his continuing the Bush-Cheney policies, and refusal to restore the rule of law are to blame. To blame the left for any of this is sheer ins@n!ty.
About Bush Tax Cuts
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