A repository for Marcospinelli's comments and essays published at other websites.

And So Begins The Comeback Narrative

Saturday, December 18, 2010

"How these people could vote republican is beyond me, since from what I've seen, republican­s could not care less about this demographi­c."

In fact, Republican­s do care about this demographi­c, not as fellow human beings, but as petty annoyances which are necessary to keep on the good side of in order to get them to continue to vote for Republican­s AND as a mob to activate over the issues that Republican politician­s really want (tax cuts for the rich, etc.).

Paradoxica­lly, it is the DLC-contro­lled Democrats who aid Republican politician­s in keeping Republican­s' constituen­ts loyal to the Republican Party.  One example is by not seizing the opportunit­y to educate Republican voters who say things like, "No government healthcare­!" in one breath, and in the next, "And don't you dare touch my Medicare!"  

That was an educationa­l opportunit­y that Obama and the DLC-contro­lled Democratic Party let pass, and for the simple reason that Democratic politician­s are working with Republican­s and their corporate masters to end all public healthcare programs.  They're doing it in a backdoor manner (hastening insolvency of the government so that there won't be any money for these continuing the New Deal/Great Society programs.
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