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Kanjorski Loses House Race - And Obama Loses Key Financial Reform Ally

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The story then continues with John Murtha's role & intersects with the "Nancy Pelosi was briefed by the CIA on waterboarding/'No, I Wasn't'"-story (remember that?). It appears that Murtha was used by the CIA & BushCo to deceive the 'Gang of 8' and Congress about the waterboard­ing/t0rtur­e. With this story, we get some insight into how Cheney got all of his & Bush's crimes past Congressional oversight (through his knowledge of how congressional subcommittees operated, from his earlier stint as a congressman):


Here's a background clip of the person that Marcy Wheeler/emptywheel references, Greg Sargent, who in this clip is being interviewed by Rachel Maddow about the Pelosi-CIA story:


There's a part 1 to the clip, which is the lead-in where Rachel summarizes the situation before she gets to Greg Sargent:

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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