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Elections 2010 LIVE Updates

Monday, November 1, 2010

This is a joke, right?

18 months into a job where he knew that the MMS wasn't overseeing operations in the Gulf, and that there was nothing in place to handle a spill from underwater drilling, Obama did nothing.

The Obama administration, with an OIL SYCOPHANT as Secretary of the Interior, issued more leased to drill offshore in the Gulf than any other administration.

And then, once the catastrophe occurred, Obama has let BP continue to take charge, no criminal indictments after they k!lled 11 people and destroyed the Gulf, an entire region of the country, Gulf states, and perhaps have brought on an ELE (extinction level event).

Are you freakin' out of your mind?

But please keep posting because we get to see BUSHSPEAK out of Obama's the DLC's mouths.
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