Election Results 2010 LIVE
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Want to make a difference?:
Don’t Hope Prop 19 Passes; Help It Pass
By: Michael Whitney Tuesday November 2, 2010 1:45 pm
Less than 8 hours til the polls close in California; the last 3 polls showed the marijuana measure losing by several points. While the polls aren’t hopeful, we still need to bring every voter to the polls that we can, no matter what the outcome.
We have an easy way to talk to voters – real, live voters – without dialing, without hangups, without answering machines. Stay connected to live voters and turn them out for Prop 19.
Click here to call voters for Prop 19 - http://act
UPDATE: Just got this note from the Yes on 19 campaign (whose website is down…):
I’m told by organizers on the ground that youth turnout is so high that the polling location at San Diego State University has completely run out of provisional ballots. We’re hearing that it will take 3 or 4 more hours to re-stock the ballots there…
This is kind of good news about turnout, but not for people who are waiting to vote. We need to make it up - please start making calls for Prop 19 right now!
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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