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How The GOP Went From 48 To Zero In Support Of Donor Disclosure

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

A healthy, functioning democratic republic relies upon one person, one vote.

Disclosure isn't the problem. Oh, sure, there shouldn't be secrecy having to do with anything in this democracy, but so what if voters get to learn who is funding some 527 group? That would, too, get drowned out, diluted, in more ads and lost in spin cycles.

The problem is that the candidate with the most money wins the election because he's been able to obliterate his opponents' voice. So the corporation and/or the very rich literally can buy elections. The more time that Citizens United is left to stand, the more money corporations and the rich can pour into election campaigns, stack pro-corporate politicians in all branches of government and make it impossible to get us back to some semblance of a functioning democracy, of one person, one vote.

In very real terms, the unlimited money going into campaigns from corporations and the rich mean that one of their votes is worth about 100,000 ordinary citizens' votes. Come the 2012 election, each rich person's vote will rise to about 1,000,000 individual citizens' votes.

Public financing of campaigns is the only solution, and it had better come fast.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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