Dear Angry American, Joining the Tea Party Is NOT Your Only Option
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
If that's what you're worried about, Obama and the DLC-controlled Democratic Party is selling you out even worse than Bush-Cheney and the GOP did.
This administration is a continuation of the criminal Bush administration.
Obama is asserting that he has the right to murder American citizens with no due process, no oversight whatsoever? And preventive detention?!?!
http://www /news/opin ion/glenn_ greenwald/ 2010/06/25 /assassina tions/inde x.html
Pure Kafka-
http://www /news/opin ion/glenn_ greenwald/ 2010/05/29 /kafka/ind ex.html
What makes Obama even worse than Bush-Cheney, IMHO, is that he campaigned on knowing different. Bush and Cheney make no excuses for what they did and are about. But Obama ran on not being like them, and to see what he's done in office (and when cornered the excuses!) -- HOLY MOTHERING G0D!
To say what he's saying, there can only be one of two reasons:
1. Obama's got no conscience, or,
2. . Cheney's got Michelle's mother in an 'undisclosed location'.
You can choose to believe whichever one makes you feel better about your ability to assess character.
But you can't pick #2 unless you ignore everything else known about him to date.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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