A repository for Marcospinelli's comments and essays published at other websites.

Despite Obama's Lofty Words, Scientific Integrity Rules Are Lagging

Friday, July 9, 2010

Can you tell us how to create jobs for Americans?


Absolutely. It's no secret.

The massive stimulus that should have happened before Obama handed out TARP2 (with no conditions, yet), for public projects rebuilding America's infrastructure on all fronts. From roads, bridges, high-speed rail, an energy renaissance ala the Manhattan project (another broken promise by Obama) and a building of that new energy grid (& communications) infrastructure across the US, along with massive infusion into SMART communities (residential/business/agricultural) ending suburban sprawl, high tech and more.

Obama, Mr. Personality, came into office with more good will, more wind at his back, more political capital than ANY previous president. More people voted for Obama than any previous president.

And what did he do with that political capital?

He sat on it.

Obama has been absent on every issue. He went AWOL on healthcare reform, saying, "Oh, that's Congress's job", all the while he was undercutting the congressional committees writing legislation, cutting secret deals with phRma, the AMA and hospitals. At the end, he emerged and kamikaze-style, rahmed through a massive corporate giveaway with no cost controls, a bill guaranteed to end all public healthcare sooner rather than later.

Obama could have delivered on his promises, but Obama doesn't want to.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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