A repository for Marcospinelli's comments and essays published at other websites.

John Boehner: Raise Retirement Age To 70; Wall Street Reform Is Like 'Killing An Ant With A Nuclear Weapon'

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The government is you, me, all of us. In a democracy, we are the government, and we elected people to "borrow" from the social security trust fund, to give tax breaks to the rich, to pay a military that works on behalf of transnational corporations to wage unwinnable wars for resources that they can sell at a profit -- And those profits don't come back to us, they don't come back to replenish the social security trust fund, but instead go into the pockets of the transnational corporations' CEOs and shareholders as bonuses and profits.

When Bush said that he'd be vindicated by history, vindicated as a conservative, he meant for the backdoor way that he went about ending social programs like Social Security and Medicare. That was what his deficit spending was about -- to "Get government so small it can be drowned in a bathtub."
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