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Gibbs Ducks Crucial Question On Sestak, Romanoff Job Offers

Friday, June 4, 2010

That is pretty much standard operating procedure for Obama. Rarely a day goes by where something 'Bushy' isn't being done by him or his administration, and then he'll l!e about it.

If pushed, if the media follows up and there is a public outcry, Obama may relent (like today after it was learned drilling was resuming in the Gulf, Obama allegedly reversed course, issued a moratorium on ALL drilling in the Gulf, but then Ken Salazar and the new head of MMS said, "Not true", so now we're back to mixed messages & conflicting information coming out of his administration.

On top of it comes the news that BP, which should be preparing to close up shop & it's officers packing a toothbrush for prison, is instead going ahead with plans to drill in the arctic.

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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