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Gibbs Chides Olbermann, Cable Pundits For Being Out Of Touch

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

In 1995, Clinton signed the Deepwater Royalty Relief Act to encourage drilling offshore. It lowered the royalties that oil companies had to pay for the oil they got from drilling in the Gulf.

No amount of cheap oil is worth the damage caused by accidents.

While the government required, by law, oil companies to file & put into place disaster plans in the event of a catastrophic failure, they knew that the oil companies' plans were bogus. There's no way that the government (Congress & presidential administrations) didn't know that all of the oil companies falsified disaster plans.

Both Democrats & Republicans allowed the issuance of permits to drill offshore, in ecologically sensitive areas, to potentially destroy Americans' food supplies & our source of oxygen (80% of the earth's oxygen comes from the oceans).
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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