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Closing Guantanamo Bay Fades As A Priority

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Apparently, what Obama called "a legal black hole at Guantanamo" is a heinous injustice, but "a legal black hole at Bagram" is the Embodiment of Hope. Evidently, Obama would only feel "terror" if his child were abducted & taken to Guantanamo & imprisoned "without even getting one chance to ask why & prove their innocence." But if the very same child were instead taken to Bagram & treated exactly the same way, that would be called Justice -- or, to use his jargon, Pragmatism. And what kind of person hails a SupremeCourt decision as "protecting our core values" -- as Obama said of Boumediene -- only to then turn around & make a complete mockery of that ruling by insisting that the CherishedSacredRights it recognized are purely a function of where the President orders a detainee-carrying military plane to land?

Independently, what happened to Obama's eloquent insistence that "restricting somebody's right to challenge their imprisonment indefinitely isn't going to make us safer; in fact, recent evidence shows it's probably making us less safe"? How does our policy of invading Afghanistan & then putting people at Bagram with no charges of any kind dispose people in that country, & the broader Muslim world, to the UnitedStates? If a country invaded the US & set up prisons where Americans from around the world were detained indefinitely & denied all rights to have their detention reviewed, how would it dispose you to the country doing that?==

About Guantánamo Bay
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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